National Shrine to Confucius 문묘(文廟)
RO : Munmyo MC : Munmyo
Year : ?-?
Categories : Traditional Ideas·Religion>Confucianism>Confucianism-related Facilities
UF :
Bujamyo Geungung@Munmyo
Gongjamyo Gongmyo
Munseonwangmyo Seongmyo
UF :
Confucian Sages Confucian Shrine
Confucian Shrine at the National University Confucian Shrine of the Seonggyun-gwan
Confucian Temple Confucian Temple in the National University
Kongja-myo Literary Confucian Temple
Munmyo Mun-myo
Munmyo Confucian Academy and Shrine Munmyo Shrine
Munsŏnwangmyo National Confucian Shrine
National Shrine to Confucius Ritual Held before the Confucian Tablet in the Confucian Shrine
Sacrificial Shrines for Sages Seongmyo
Shrine for Confucius Shrine of Confucius
Shrine of Confucius Shrine to the Sages
Songmyo Sŏngmyo
State Confucian Shrine Temple of Sages
Visit to the ancestral graves
RT :
Alseong Gyeseongsa
Jaegung Jeonal
Munmyo chinje Munmyo jeryeak
Seokjeon Seonggyungwan@Goryeo
Seonggyungwan@Joseon Seungmu
Seungmu yuhyeon Yeseongje
NT :
Chajanggo Daeseongjeon